Golf Memberships


Greens fees vary according to the season. The best value is a Golf Membership. The following Golf Memberships are available to the public: Annual 12 Month; 6-Month; and 4-Month. Golf Membership Fees are due by January 1st and expire December 31st of the following year. Payments for annual membership may be made in full or in three payments. See the Golf Membership Application for details.


Golf Membership Rates – January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Annual Membership (Best Deal)

Annual Individual: $1,667.50 + Tax = $1,784.23
Annual Couple: $3,116.50 + Tax = $3,334.66

The Annual 12 month memberships include green fees only. You must have your own golf cart or you will pay an additional cart fee of $10.00 per player for each 18 holes played or $7.00 per player for each 9 holes played. The annual membership include one medium bucket of balls daily for use on driving range; 4 free Guest rounds of golf for individual membership & 6 free Guest rounds of golf for couple membership. Note: Guest Rounds of Golf must be used by guests by December 31, 2025.


6-Month Membership

6 Month Individual: $1,150.00 + Tax = $1,230.50
6 Month Couple: $2,070.00 + Tax = $2,214.90

The 6 month membership include green fees only. You must have your own golf cart or you will pay an additional cart fee of $10.00 per player for each 18 holes played or $7.00 per player for each 9 holes played. The 6 month memberships include one small bucket of balls daily for use on the driving range. All 6 month memberships must be six (6) consecutive months date of purchase.


4-Month Membership

4 Month Individual: $954.50 + Tax = $1,021.32
4 Month Couple: $1,667.50 + Tax = $1,784.23

The 4 month memberships include green fees only. You must have your own golf cart or you will pay an additional cart fee of $10.00 per player for each 18 holes played or $7.00 per player for each 9 holes played. The 4 month memberships include one small bucket of balls daily for use on the driving range. All 4 month memberships must be four (4) consecutive months from date of purchase.

Golf Membership Fees are due by January 1, 2025 and expire December 31, 2025. A 7% tax is calculated on all rates shown. We accept Mastercard, Visa and personal checks (made payable to Indian Lake Estates, Inc.). There are no refunds under any circumstances.

Payments for annual memberships may be made in full at signing or in three (3) payments: 50% at signing; 25% due in 30 days and the remaining 25% due in 60 days after signing. (Not available after February 1, 2025)


Cart Storage Fee:

Electric: $250.00 + Tax = $267.50
Gas: $150.00 + Tax = $160.50

Restricted Golf Membership Application

INDIVIDUAL ONLY $795.00 + tax = $850.65
•  January 1st to April 30th: Play is restricted to after 1:00 pm – Monday through Friday
•  May 1st to December 31st: Play is unrestricted.
•  Saturdays & Sundays are unrestricted all year long.